How to use the OpenAPI code generator with your OpenAPI specification for your REST API implementation

In this post, we will introduce what is the OpenAPI code generator, and what it does in the context of the REST API and OpenAPI specification. Although I had a clear understanding of the REST API and why we need follow OpenAPI specification, it was not so clear at the beginning when it comes to the OpenAPI code generator and what it generates, and how it helps. If you have the same confusion, you are in the right place.

The content is as follows:
  • Background
  • Install OpenAPI code generator
  • Prepare OpenAPI specification - YAML/JSON file
  • Generate server stub using the OpenAPI code generator
  • Implement your functionality on top of the generated server sub


Before delving into OpenAPI code generator, let's first talk about some background of the OpenAPI specification first. 

It comes from the API-first design or top-down API development where we specify API specifications first using formats such as OpenAPI specification, then implement the actual code. In contrast, the other option -  code-first designs or bottom-up approach - implements the actual code and then generates API specifications from that.

So we are talking about the API-first design, which has following workflows:
OpenAPI specification document (JSON/YAML file) => OpenAPI code generator => Client/Server stubs (skeletons) => Implement your business logic code to complete the stubs

According to the Swagger website, the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to HTTP APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of implementation logic. 

Prepare OpenAPI specification - YAML/JSON file

An OpenAPI document that conforms to the OpenAPI Specification is itself a JSON object, which may be represented either in JSON or YAML format. You can use online tools such as Swagger editor to design and define your specification.

We use an example OpenAPI specification (an YAML file - openapi.yaml) from an awesome example. For detailed explanation regarding the specification, one can look at the example page.

openapi: 4.0.2
  title: Sample OpenAPI Specification
  description: 'An OpenAPI specification example for Building API services: A Beginners Guide document.'
  version: 0.0.1
  - url: http://localhost:9000/
    description: Example API Service
      type: object
        - display_name
        - email
          type: string
          readOnly: true
          type: string
          maxLength: 20
          minLength: 1
          type: string
          format: email
      type: object
        - error_code
        - error_message
          type: string
          type: string
      - name: user_id
        in: path
        description: ID of a user
        required: true
          type: string
      description: Gets a user
      operationId: get_user
          description: User found
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'
          description: Unexpected error
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage'

Install OpenAPI code generator

First, we need to get our OpenAPI code generator ready. We can follow the install OpenAPI code generator instruction from its official site, I used "Bash Launcher Script" for my installation on Ubuntu22.04. 

We can test if after installation:

$openapi-generator-cli version

Generate server stub using the OpenAPI code generator

Once we have an OpenAPI specification for your API design and the OpenAPI code generator ready, we can use the tool to generate clent SDK or server stubs in a lot of different programming languages. A complete list of generators provided by the tool can be found here.

Here we want to generate server stubs with the python-flask generator of the tool, which will help us generate server stubs according to the openapi.yaml file we have prepared.

openapi-generator-cli generate -i openapi.yaml -o generated -g python-flask
-i: the input file
-o: destination folder to generate all files
-g: specify generator - python-flask

Under the generated folder, we can see the following folder structure with all folders and files generated automatically.

The file contains instructions about how to set up the API server. The model folder contains the model - user resource - of the API defined, and the controllers folder contains files related to API logic. 

Here we use Python version: 3.9.18 environment, and follow the instruction. The first step is installing required packages specified in the requirements.txt.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
But I found some parts need to be updated. For example, in the requirements.txt, we need to update the installation of connextion including the flask for the first line as the old Flask in the last line doesn't work for the new Python version.

  1 connexion[swagger-ui] >= 2.6.0; python_version>="3.6"
  2 # 2.3 is the last version that supports python 3.4-3.5
  3 connexion[swagger-ui] <= 2.3.0; python_version=="3.5" or python_version=="3.4"
  4 # connexion requires werkzeug but connexion < 2.4.0 does not install werkzeug
  5 # we must peg werkzeug versions below to fix connexion
  6 #
  7 werkzeug == 0.16.1; python_version=="3.5" or python_version=="3.4"
  8 swagger-ui-bundle >= 0.0.2
  9 python_dateutil >= 2.6.0
 10 setuptools >= 21.0.0
 11 Flask == 2.1.1

  1 connexion[swagger-ui,flask] >= 2.6.0; python_version>="3.6"
  2 # 2.3 is the last version that supports python 3.4-3.5
  3 connexion[swagger-ui] <= 2.3.0; python_version=="3.5" or python_version=="3.4"
  4 # connexion requires werkzeug but connexion < 2.4.0 does not install werkzeug
  5 # we must peg werkzeug versions below to fix connexion
  6 #
  7 werkzeug == 0.16.1; python_version=="3.5" or python_version=="3.4"
  8 swagger-ui-bundle >= 0.0.2
  9 python_dateutil >= 2.6.0
 10 setuptools >= 21.0.0

Also, the file needs to be updated using JSONEncoder from the json package instead of FlaskJSONEncoder as it was automatically generated.

from json import JSONEncoder
from openapi_server.models.base_model import Model

class JSONEncoder(JSONEncoder):
    include_nulls = False

    def default(self, o): 
        if isinstance(o, Model):
            dikt = {}
            for attr in o.openapi_types:
                value = getattr(o, attr)
                if value is None and not self.include_nulls:
                attr = o.attribute_map[attr]
                dikt[attr] = value
            return dikt
        return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)

There is seprate port issue reported on GitHub about the port specified in the OpenAPI specification is not reflected in the generated code. For example, the server still start at 8080 no matter which port you have specified in the OpenAPI specification (YAML/JSON file).

Once we've done the setting up of the required packages, we can start the API server according to the file.

python3 -m openapi_server

We can now access the UI for an UI provided from Swagger about your REST API based on the specification.

If we test it the API out using our path specified in our openapi.yaml, we can see the current autogenrated stub provides some dummy responses, and this part needs to be completed by us with our actual code and logic.

Implement your functionality on top of the generated server sub

As we mentioned ealier, you can find the file which shows your actual code and implemetation of your logic need to go based on the current stub that has been autogamically generated by the OpenAPI code generator.


def get_user(user_id):  # noqa: E501

    Gets a user # noqa: E501

    :param user_id: ID of a user
    :type user_id: str

    :rtype: Union[User, Tuple[User, int], Tuple[User, int, Dict[str, str]]
    return 'do some magic!'

One thing to note is that the rtype (return type) is also very confusing here. It says Union or Tuple type but after many trials and errors, it turns out to be a JSON object - e.g., using json.dumps() - to be returned in order to work!

I hope you enjoyed the post and it is helpful for your REST API development journey!

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