- What can obtain from Graph API in Facebook? (Assume user is not using my app)
- Search by name: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/search?q=Guangyuan+Piao&type=user&access_token="your access token"
- Get name, id
- Search user information by id: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/id
- Get id, first_name, last_name, link, name, updated_time
- Limit on Google Plus API?
- per day (10,000) and per second (5)
- Limit on Twitter API?
- user look up 180/time_window (15min in v.1.1)
- get user timeline 180/time_window (15min in v.1.1)
- How to get user timeline with paging?
- The example below get 100 statuses / page for 10 times (for loop) to get maximum 1000 tweets from user timeline.
- However, because every call for getUserTimeline() will use one rate, it is better to check the status list and break the look if there's no more status in the current page....
1: for (int j=1; j<11; j++) {
2: Paging page = new Paging (j, 100); // page number, number per page
3: List<Status> statuses = twitter.getUserTimeline(user.getId(), page); // rate will for -1 each call
4: if (statuses.size() < 1) {
5: break;
6: }
7: }
- Twitter Helper
1: TwitterFactory factory;
2: Twitter twitter;
3: public TwitterHelper() {
4: // Configuration of Twitter API
5: ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
6: cb.setDebugEnabled(false)
7: .setOAuthConsumerKey(consumerKey)
8: .setOAuthConsumerSecret(consumerSecret)
9: .setOAuthAccessToken(accessToken)
10: .setOAuthAccessTokenSecret(accessSecret);
11: // Initialize Twitter Instance
12: factory = new TwitterFactory(cb.build());
13: twitter = factory.getInstance();
14: }
15: public int getStatusesRemainingRate() { // check /statuses/user_timeline endpoint remaining rate
16: int i = 0;
17: RateLimitStatus status;
18: try {
19: status = twitter.getRateLimitStatus().get("/statuses/user_timeline");
20: i = status.getRemaining();
21: } catch (TwitterException e) {
22: System.out.println(e.getMessage());
23: }
24: return i;
25: }