Maynooth University Lecturer Interview Questions

This is an interview experience for a lecturer job post for Maynooth University. The interview lasts for 30-40 minutes with 10 minute presentation for a choosen research topic followed by questions from 5 committees where two of them from other Universities. 

Teaching Related Questions
  • How to do deal with several hundreds of students sitting there without any reaction while you teaching?
  • How to do interact with those hudreds of students during the class?
  • What is the target students when you design a course with difficulty level?
  • How do you transfer European Pedagogy to the university in China?
  • How do you assure the quality of teaching courses?
  • What does your research do with deep learning and symbolic AI?
  • How do you feel living in different coutries six months each year?
  • How do you develop your research career while having heavy teaching loads?

Research Related Questions
  • What do you see AI development in the future?
  • What kind of funding can your research bring?
  • How do you plan to recruit PhD students for the research?

The overall environment is very friendly and conformtable. After the interview, the Head of Department walked together with me to outside of the building.