A Semantic Web for End Users

A talk from David R. Karger from Haystack group of MIT in ESWC 2013, pointed out the current problem of Semantic Web conferences. Very useful tips for conducting research on Semantic Web.

  • Too much focus on Semantic, less on the Web 
    • Current focus are mainly on knowledge representation, ontologies and inferences such as topics also discussed and researched from AI community.
    • Less focus on the Web, which is originally we had to focus on and care about as well as Semantic part.
  • Lack of applications
    • Less of papers or demos without screen shot and many of the demo papers not further developed and evaluated and published as paper.
    • Technology adaption is derive from problems to solve. If we don't have research focus on how to solve end user problems and how to facilitate daily lives with these technologies... there's nothing but time consuming tasks we had done.
He defines Semantic Web Application as:
  • A Semantic Web application is one whose schema is expected to change.
IFTTT a web platform mentioned in his talk, is an application to do the tasks exactly based on the rules you've defined (If there's my post liked in Facebook, tweet it in Twitter), which is much the same as Semantic Web vision declared while it is conducted. It is providing fixed rules only that each service provider such as Facebook, Instagram etc. could give and users are limited to just select these rules rather than "define" these.

He pointed out instead of putting too much energies on knowledge representation, inference, reasoning or imitate SW applications which are traditional applications just store data as RDF, we need to build applications which could help end users to solve real world problems they have.